Monday 26 March 2007

Muay Thai: The Musical??

Rumours aren't circulating that Tony Jaa may be about to sign on the dotted line to co-star in a project alongside U.S. rap star Ja Rule. The project - tentatively titled Ja Jaa Jinx* - has been described as 'a fun action buddy-flick with a hip-hop soundtrack' and would provide Jaa's first U.S. role. Plot details are sketchy but are rumoured to follow a young Thai villager (Jaa) who travels to the U.S. when the sacred kitten of the village is 'jacked' by gangbangers. The film will also have its dramatic elements as Jaa learns how to fight with more than his elbows and knees - through the art of 'freestyle rapping', taught to him by Rule. When asked about the rumours rapper Ja Rule responded by saying that he liked the idea of the project 'because it doesn't rely on stereotypes' and that if the project did happen that it would be 'the shit'. What he meant by this last comment has been left open to interpretation.

Tony Jaa on the other hand has taken to practising his microphone skills whenever possible - as can be seen on this television clip: Tony Jaa - Microphone Fiend

*Harvey Weinstein has apparently shown a great deal of interest in the project but has said that he would rename it 'something more exciting sounding like The Protectors. You know - The Protector, plural'.

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